Prof. Dr. Martin J. Eppler
Visual-literacy.org Founder and Director
Dr. Eppler is a chaired professor of communications management at the University of St. Gallen in Switzerland, where he is also a director of the institute for media and communications management that hosts the visual collaboration lab. He has written 25 books on visualization, management, analytics and creativity, and he has won multiple awards for his visualization research and teaching. He is the inventor of several vizualization techniques, software packages, and design methods.

Dr. oec. HSG Christian Muntwiler
Visual-literacy.org Co-author
Dr. Muntwiler is an experienced management trainer and consultant (www.sgcm.ch) with a focus on strategic management, strategic and operational marketing and the goal of sustainably improving the quality and traceability of strategic decisions. His research focuses on how to use visualization for de-biasing decisions as in his dissertation on “Cognitive Biases and Debiasing in Strategic Decision Making”.